
Sep 12, 2012

Campaign tagline 'match n win?'

If you enjoy games where you need to match up two columns of information, then you'll enjoy the following in the spirit of the election season.

Can you match the tagline with the anti-campaigner from these previous Presidential elections? Prize?  Nothing but the honor of knowing your stuff!!

1.  Ma, Ma, where’s My Pa? Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha
a.  Kerry
2.  Let’s stop the 4th term now
b.  Adams
3.  57,000 ways to tax Americans
c.  Ford
4.  Bargain and Corruption
d.  Cleveland
5.  Bonzo is Back
e.  Bush (GW)
6.  Bozo and the Pineapple
f.  FDR
7.  Compassionate Colonialism
g.  McCain
8.  Don’t settle for peanuts
h.  Reagan
9.  Incontinence meets incompetence
i.  Carter

Answers:  1d, 2f, 3a, 4b, 5h, 6c, 7e, 8i, 9g

(Special thanks to for the info on these)

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