The success of the mission to capture/kill bin Laden gave rise to great celebrations and a feeling of justice being served by many Americans and others abroad. Images of 9/11, images which scarred the national conscience, came back to our screens earlier than expected – I anticipated seeing images of the Twin Towers in September, not May.
But just as quickly as patriotic tweets and postings were hitting the social space, so too were quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ah, yes, the famous MLK quote: “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.” Yes it seemed like everyone was passing along that quote on Facebook, trying to temper the masses and remind ourselves of the need to have a sense of humanity. The message: retribution is fine, vengeance is out of order.
One problem: it wasn’t MLK who said the quote. In fact, for a while it was believed to have been a made up quote. This was pointed out by Megan McCardle in The Atlantic. Then we heard it may have been a Jefferson quote.
So do we allow so many tweets and postings to become ‘fact’ so quickly?
Rather than tackle the ‘why’ of social disinformation, I’d rather have more fun and contribute to it … by making up quotes in the hopes that someday they’ll be taken as truthful. Feel free to make up some apt quotes yourself, and attribute them, in the comment section. (Please be aware that as far as we know, none of these quotes are in any way attributable to the source).
“A fool and his honey are soon parted” (D. Trump)
“Look after your investors, and they’ll look after you” (B. Madoff)
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman … or man … or animal” (M. de Sade)
“We’re planning on a quiet elopement” (Prince William)
“18 foot walls, barbed wire, armed guards, located under the noses of the Pakistani military instead of where everyone thinks I am. Why worry?” (O. bin Laden)
“The only way to build a brand is through TV advertising. Period.” (M. Zuckerberg)
“Begging your pardon, and I hope I’m not seen as being rude, but I think this dish might be just a tad underdone. But no big deal, I’m sure it’s just fine, and sorry I even said anything. Really, it’s fine. Lovely, in fact.” (G. Ramsey)
“Let’s launch a new product by just quietly slipping into our retail channels. No fanfare or anything, we don’t need the media, for goodness sakes” (S. Jobs … or R. Branson)
“Burgers? Rubbish! What America wants are pita wraps” (R. Kroc)
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